Directed and produced by the award-winning team of Sam Ghazi and Cheryl Compton, the feature documentary will also include interviews with public figures, various government and law officials, as well as immigration lawyers. The focus of the documentary follows a young Iranian couple in Tucson, Arizona, who are awaiting the birth of their first child – as well as waiting for their parents’ visitor visas to be approved, so they can meet their grandchild for the first time.
Sam Ghazi and Cheryl Compton’s short films “He Waits” and “Turn Me On” have been nominated or won awards at film festivals including Shriekfest, Fantastic Horror Film Festival, and the Accolade Global Film Competition. Compton also wrote the feature horror film, “Within the Darkness,” which is available on streaming platforms, including Amazon and RedBox.
Sam works as a professional director, editor, videographer, photographer and FAA-licensed drone operator. He is also currently in production on another documentary about the Iranian jet-fighters entitled “Acrojets.”
“Extreme Vetting” will also include participation from frequent collaborator Composer Armin Antique. Additional participants include Producer Sepehr Akhavan, Assistant Director and soundtrack contributor Payam Rowghanian, with graphic design and animation by Majid Bita. Project coordination will be under Compton’s I GIVE GOOD WORD banner, which produced the team’s previous projects, as well as the series “The Dark Cinema.” Post-production will be in Los Angeles.